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The Blind Samurai

Game Description:

The Blind Samurai is an interactive audio novel, that is primarily designed and targeted for the visually impaired. The Blind Samurai follows the life of a historical blind samurai named Toda Seigen. It is a first-person melee combat game with no graphics, and instead relies purely based on sound to engage the player. There controls are very simple, where the player must press certain inputs based on the direction in which they hear a sound coming from.​


My contributions: 
This was a solo project in which I created all of the assets, and programmed the functionality for the entire experience.

- I narrated/voice acted the entire story mode experience

- I programmed the functionality for the combat sequences

- I implemented and edited various sounds 

- I implemented the narrative beats of the story through an open source Unity plugin called Fungus

Story Mode Video

Headphones required

Combat Video

Headphones required





​Development Time:

6 Weeks 


Main Features:

- An interactive and immersive auditory experience, voice acted by myself

- An 'endless' mode, in which the player can play out the combat sequence endlessly 

Playable Build Link

Here is a playable build if you like to try the game for yourself!

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